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Olet poistamassa tätä ilmoitusta:
Ilmoitus nro 54831
Ilmoitus tehty 2015-01-22 16:11:25
MYYDääN valkoinenpaimenkoira keskikoko uros
Sell puppy white swiss shepherd boy 4 months, the rfc documents, fully vaccinated. the largest of the guys litter, understands package of a the command "place", knows the leash, very affectionate and sociable. The teeth are already changing the testicles in place, good body, smooth, tough guy. father - junior champion of russia, champion of russia, stable na, checked for posterity. Beautiful and strong, as befits a true shepherd. mother - obedient, calm, took a course okd, exhibited, has degrees in different classes of "excellent". both parents have been tested for health, have certificates. toimitusaika helsinki
Hinta 950
Paikkakunta Tallinn
Sposti dimkin1973@gmail.com
Nimi Dmitri
ilmoitus nro 54831

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